My views on his Fidler's response...

Essentially he has called us a sore loser. I think we are winning our fight though as DYCD is now taking the RHY group seriously and has already come up with new offers to LGBTQ specific programs that received a cut in their budget which means our efforts have regained lost beds and are forcing a conversation to happen on how to amend a situation of having to lose city funded beds.

Our beds for your information are not city funded which is why we were in the unique position of advocacy on this issue, however half of our budget was dependent on the city funding stream which means we need your help to find alternative sources to fill the gaps in the budget, so that the cuts to our program are minimal and short-term. Thanks for all of your support getting city council to take notice and take seriously the ramifications this will have on the city RHY programs if they do not work harder for us as taxpaying citizens to find the funds needed to address this major gap in services. I do appreciate all the work of Lew Fidler as he is our greatest ally in the NYC Council addressing issues legislatively after getting the advisement of RHY service providers. We will continue to support every endeavor the New York City Council puts forth on behalf of LGBTQ RHY.

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