stole this from another blog... wish I had it for the Prop H8te demonstration today at the mormon church... too bad the water from the fountain has given me the cold and I have been asked to stay indoors. Resting up for next week's SLEEP OUT!


Clare Shipstead said...

I could hear your "cold" on the phone last night. Chicken soup made with fresh garlic should help. Wish I could cook you up a pot...
Also - some people swear by the zinc lozenges.
Good luck - Do you HAVE to sleep outdoors? Why don't you stuff your sleeping bag with pillows and return early in the morning?

Anonymous said...

The demonstration was great. There were hundreds of people there. We made a statement to the Church of Latter Day Saints, aka the Mormons. They are full of hate, which we will answer with love. BTW, I'm borrowing the picture for my blog too.