
"The difficulty of being me is not being somebody else which is also the greatest blessing I have been bestowed."

- Lucky


Time to drink alone, yet without the tea. Perhaps I am unawares. Pleasures of security and the excitement of insecurity develop the questioning of life. Fairytale creatures are altogether unreal, yet each and every one can be manifested in the mind of the beholder. Surreal juxtaposing the real, sets confusion in symbiosis with the cataclysm of thought. The profound becomes a mechanism of the foolish as caricatures play out their wisdom in the constant twilight of life. To be nothing is everything to me, yet makes me ultimately everything in return. Where does this out of place adult perception come from to invade the mind of this fragile child? Behold, I am a fairytale. Alone, yet real.

- Lucky


Oh, to know death



Piercing a much needed silence has drained me thin. Her voice like knives creating a river of blood from mine ears. So much is said while so little of it is understood by the one vocalizing it. The empty knowledge creates a deafness that is insufferable. Am I pissed off? No, I am silenced. Drink my suffering and rehydrate. A little passion rekindled and speaking from flesh to flesh instead of through words alone. A boy serving as a bandaid for my days trials. Why cannot things work out for matters of our hearts? Give it time... What is time though? Is it a cushion keeping us standing idly by? It makes us awkward statues; compasses and the hands of time. "What time do you think we've got?"

- Lucky